KJV (6) and by his

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Job 26:12He divideth the sea with his power, and by his understanding he smiteth through the proud.
Psa 78:26He caused an east wind to blow in the heaven: and by his power he brought in the south wind.
Isa 66:16For by fire and by his sword will the LORD plead with all flesh: and the slain of the LORD shall be many.
Jer 4:26I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by his fierce anger.
Dan 11:2And now will I show thee the truth. Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia; and the fourth shall be far richer than they all: and by his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against the realm of Greece.
Hos 12:3He took his brother by the heel in the womb, and by his strength he had power with God: