KJV (14) o lord for

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
1Ch 17:19O LORD, for thy servant's sake, and according to thine own heart, hast thou done all this greatness, in making known all these great things.
Psa 6:2Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak: O LORD, heal me; for my bones are vexed.
Psa 26:1A Psalm of David. Judge me, O LORD; for I have walked in mine integrity: I have trusted also in the LORD; therefore I shall not slide.
Psa 30:1A Psalm and Song at the dedication of the house of David. I will extol thee, O LORD; for thou hast lifted me up, and hast not made my foes to rejoice over me.
Psa 31:9Have mercy upon me, O LORD, for I am in trouble: mine eye is consumed with grief, yea, my soul and my belly.
Psa 31:17Let me not be ashamed, O LORD; for I have called upon thee: let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave.
Psa 54:6I will freely sacrifice unto thee: I will praise thy name, O LORD; for it is good.
Psa 69:16Hear me, O LORD; for thy lovingkindness is good: turn unto me according to the multitude of thy tender mercies.
Psa 86:3Be merciful unto me, O Lord: for I cry unto thee daily.
Psa 92:9For, lo, thine enemies, O LORD, for, lo, thine enemies shall perish; all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered.
Psa 97:8Zion heard, and was glad; and the daughters of Judah rejoiced because of thy judgments, O LORD.
Psa 143:11Quicken me, O LORD, for thy name's sake: for thy righteousness' sake bring my soul out of trouble.
Lam 1:20Behold, O LORD; for I am in distress: my bowels are troubled; mine heart is turned within me; for I have grievously rebelled: abroad the sword bereaveth, at home there is as death.
Luk 5:8When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.