KJV (10) of the wicked and

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Job 18:21Surely such are the dwellings of the wicked, and this is the place of him that knoweth not God.
Job 29:17And I broke the jaws of the wicked, and plucked the spoil out of his teeth.
Psa 10:15Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man: seek out his wickedness till thou find none.
Psa 109:2For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me: they have spoken against me with a lying tongue.
Pro 4:14Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men.
Isa 14:5The LORD hath broken the staff of the wicked, and the scepter of the rulers.
Jer 15:21And I will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem thee out of the hand of the terrible.
Eze 30:12And I will make the rivers dry, and sell the land into the hand of the wicked: and I will make the land waste, and all that is therein, by the hand of strangers: I the LORD have spoken it.
Mic 6:10Are there yet the treasures of wickedness in the house of the wicked, and the scant measure that is abominable?
Eph 6:16Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.