KJV (8) our cattle

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Exo 10:26Our cattle also shall go with us; there shall not a hoof be left behind; for thereof must we take to serve the LORD our God; and we know not with what we must serve the LORD, until we come thither.
Exo 17:3And the people thirsted there for water; and the people murmured against Moses, and said, Wherefore is this that thou hast brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst?
Num 20:4And why have ye brought up the congregation of the Lord into this wilderness, that we and our cattle should die there?
Num 32:16And they came near unto him, and said, We will build sheepfolds here for our cattle, and cities for our little ones:
Num 32:26Our little ones, our wives, our flocks, and all our cattle, shall be there in the cities of Gilead:
Jos 21:2And they spoke unto them at Shiloh in the land of Canaan, saying, The LORD commanded by the hand of Moses to give us cities to dwell in, with the suburbs thereof for our cattle.
Neh 9:37And it yieldeth much increase unto the kings whom thou hast set over us because of our sins: also they have dominion over our bodies, and over our cattle, at their pleasure, and we are in great distress.
Neh 10:36Also the firstborn of our sons, and of our cattle, as it is written in the law, and the firstlings of our herds and of our flocks, to bring to the house of our God, unto the priests that minister in the house of our God: