KJV (10) read the

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
2Ki 5:7And it came to pass, when the king of Israel had read the letter, that he rent his clothes, and said, Am I God, to kill and to make alive, that this man doth send unto me to recover a man of his leprosy? wherefore consider, I pray you, and see how he seeketh a quarrel against me.
Jer 36:13Then Michaiah declared unto them all the words that he had heard, when Baruch read the book in the ears of the people.
Dan 5:8Then came in all the king's wise men: but they could not read the writing, nor make known to the king the interpretation thereof.
Dan 5:16And I have heard of thee, that thou canst make interpretations, and dissolve doubts: now if thou canst read the writing, and make known to me the interpretation thereof, thou shalt be clothed with scarlet, and have a chain of gold about thy neck, and shalt be the third ruler in the kingdom.
Dan 5:17Then Daniel answered and said before the king, Let thy gifts be to thyself, and give thy rewards to another; yet I will read the writing unto the king, and make known to him the interpretation.
Act 8:30And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Isaiah, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?
Act 23:34And when the governor had read the letter, he asked of what province he was. And when he understood that he was of Cilicia;
2Co 3:15But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart.
Col 4:16And when this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans; and that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea.
Rev 5:4And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.