KJV (7) said give

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Gen 47:15And when money failed in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, Give us bread: for why should we die in thy presence? for the money faileth.
Gen 47:16And Joseph said, Give your cattle; and I will give you for your cattle, if money fail.
Exo 17:2Wherefore the people did chide with Moses, and said, Give us water that we may drink. And Moses said unto them, Why chide ye with me? wherefore do ye tempt the LORD?
1Sa 8:6But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the LORD.
1Ki 3:27Then the king answered and said, Give her the living child, and in no wise slay it: she is the mother thereof.
2Ki 4:42And there came a man from Baal-shalisha, and brought the man of God bread of the firstfruits, twenty loaves of barley, and full ears of corn in the husk thereof. And he said, Give unto the people, that they may eat.
Mat 14:8And she, being before instructed of her mother, said, Give me here John Baptist's head in a charger.