KJV (23) save me

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
2Ki 16:7So Ahaz sent messengers to Tiglathpileser king of Assyria, saying, I am thy servant and thy son: come up, and save me out of the hand of the king of Syria, and out of the hand of the king of Israel, which rise up against me.
Psa 3:7Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God: for thou hast smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek bone; thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly.
Psa 6:4Return, O LORD, deliver my soul: oh save me for thy mercies' sake.
Psa 7:1Shiggaion of David, which he sang unto the LORD, concerning the words of Cush the Benjamite. O LORD my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me:
Psa 22:21Save me from the lion's mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns.
Psa 31:2Bow down thine ear to me; deliver me speedily: be thou my strong rock, for a house of defense to save me.
Psa 31:16Make thy face to shine upon thy servant: save me for thy mercies' sake.
Psa 44:6For I will not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me.
Psa 54:1To the chief Musician on Neginoth, Maschil, A Psalm of David, when the Ziphims came and said to Saul, Doth not David hide himself with us? Save me, O God, by thy name, and judge me by thy strength.
Psa 55:16As for me, I will call upon God; and the LORD shall save me.
Psa 57:3He shall send from heaven, and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. Selah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth.
Psa 59:2Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, and save me from bloody men.
Psa 69:1To the chief Musician upon Shoshannim, A Psalm of David. Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul.
Psa 71:2Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me.
Psa 71:3Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: thou hast given commandment to save me; for thou art my rock and my fortress.
Psa 109:26Help me, O LORD my God: O save me according to thy mercy:
Psa 119:94I am thine, save me; for I have sought thy precepts.
Psa 119:146I cried unto thee; save me, and I shall keep thy testimonies.
Psa 138:7Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.
Isa 38:20The LORD was ready to save me: therefore we will sing my songs to the stringed instruments all the days of our life in the house of the LORD.
Jer 17:14Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.
Mat 14:30But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.
Joh 12:27Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour.