KJV (15) stronger than

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Gen 25:23And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.
Num 13:31But the men that went up with him said, We be not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we.
Jdg 14:18And the men of the city said unto him on the seventh day before the sun went down, What is sweeter than honey? and what is stronger than a lion? And he said unto them, If ye had not plowed with my heifer, ye had not found out my riddle.
2Sa 1:23Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their death they were not divided: they were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions.
2Sa 13:14Howbeit he would not hearken unto her voice: but, being stronger than she, forced her, and lay with her.
1Ki 20:23And the servants of the king of Syria said unto him, Their gods are gods of the hills; therefore they were stronger than we; but let us fight against them in the plain, and surely, we shall be stronger than they.
1Ki 20:23And the servants of the king of Syria said unto him, Their gods are gods of the hills; therefore they were stronger than we; but let us fight against them in the plain, and surely, we shall be stronger than they.
1Ki 20:25And number thee an army, like the army that thou hast lost, horse for horse, and chariot for chariot: and we will fight against them in the plain, and surely we shall be stronger than they. And he hearkened unto their voice, and did so.
Psa 105:24And he increased his people greatly; and made them stronger than their enemies.
Psa 142:6Attend unto my cry; for I am brought very low: deliver me from my persecutors; for they are stronger than I.
Jer 20:7O LORD, thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived: thou art stronger than I, and hast prevailed: I am in derision daily, every one mocketh me.
Jer 31:11For the LORD hath redeemed Jacob, and ransomed him from the hand of him that was stronger than he.
Luk 11:22But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armor wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.
1Co 1:25Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
1Co 10:22Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than he?