KJV (4) that is good

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Ecc 2:26For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good before God. This also is vanity and vexation of spirit.
Ecc 2:26For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good before God. This also is vanity and vexation of spirit.
Hos 8:3Israel hath cast off the thing that is good: the enemy shall pursue him.
1Ti 5:4But if any widow have children or nephews, let them learn first to show piety at home, and to requite their parents: for that is good and acceptable before God.