KJV (5) that thou shouldest take

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Rth 2:10Then she fell on her face, and bowed herself to the ground, and said unto him, Why have I found grace in thine eyes, that thou shouldest take knowledge of me, seeing I am a stranger?
Job 38:20That thou shouldest take it to the bound thereof, and that thou shouldest know the paths to the house thereof?
Psa 50:16But unto the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare my statutes, or that thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth?
Ecc 7:18It is good that thou shouldest take hold of this; yea, also from this withdraw not thine hand: for he that feareth God shall come forth of them all.
Joh 17:15I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.