KJV (7) that which ye have

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Eze 34:19And as for my flock, they eat that which ye have trodden with your feet; and they drink that which ye have fouled with your feet.
Eze 34:19And as for my flock, they eat that which ye have trodden with your feet; and they drink that which ye have fouled with your feet.
Luk 12:3Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.
Joh 8:38I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.
2Co 8:11Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have.
1Jo 2:24Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father.
Rev 2:25But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.