KJV (7) the mighty men and

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
2Sa 10:7And when David heard of it, he sent Joab, and all the host of the mighty men.
2Sa 20:7And there went out after him Joab's men, and the Cherethites, and the Pelethites, and all the mighty men: and they went out of Jerusalem, to pursue after Sheba the son of Bichri.
1Ki 1:10But Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, and the mighty men, and Solomon his brother, he called not.
1Ch 19:8And when David heard of it, he sent Joab, and all the host of the mighty men.
1Ch 28:1And David assembled all the princes of Israel, the princes of the tribes, and the captains of the companies that ministered to the king by course, and the captains over the thousands, and captains over the hundreds, and the stewards over all the substance and possession of the king, and of his sons, with the officers, and with the mighty men, and with all the valiant men, unto Jerusalem.
1Ch 29:24And all the princes, and the mighty men, and all the sons likewise of king David, submitted themselves unto Solomon the king.
Rev 6:15And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;