KJV (10) their altars

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Exo 34:13But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves:
Deu 7:5But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire.
Deu 12:3And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.
Jdg 2:2And ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land; ye shall throw down their altars: but ye have not obeyed my voice: why have ye done this?
2Ch 34:5And he burnt the bones of the priests upon their altars, and cleansed Judah and Jerusalem.
Jer 17:2Whilst their children remember their altars and their groves by the green trees upon the high hills.
Eze 6:13Then shall ye know that I am the LORD, when their slain men shall be among their idols round about their altars, upon every high hill, in all the tops of the mountains, and under every green tree, and under every thick oak, the place where they did offer sweet savor to all their idols.
Hos 10:2Their heart is divided; now shall they be found faulty: he shall break down their altars, he shall spoil their images.
Hos 10:8The high places also of Aven, the sin of Israel, shall be destroyed: the thorn and the thistle shall come up on their altars; and they shall say to the mountains, Cover us; and to the hills, Fall on us.
Hos 12:11Is there iniquity in Gilead? surely they are vanity: they sacrifice bullocks in Gilgal; yea, their altars are as heaps in the furrows of the fields.