KJV (23) them upon the

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Exo 1:16And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live.
Exo 28:26And thou shalt make two rings of gold, and thou shalt put them upon the two ends of the breastplate in the border thereof, which is in the side of the ephod inward.
Exo 29:13And thou shalt take all the fat that covereth the inwards, and the caul that is above the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, and burn them upon the altar.
Exo 29:25And thou shalt receive them of their hands, and burn them upon the altar for a burnt offering, for a sweet savor before the LORD: it is an offering made by fire unto the LORD.
Lev 3:16And the priest shall burn them upon the altar, according to the offerings made by fire unto the LORD: and the priest shall make an atonement for his sin that he hath committed, and it shall be forgiven him.
Lev 4:10As it was taken off from the bullock of the sacrifice of peace offerings: and the priest shall burn them upon the altar of the burnt offering.
Lev 4:35And he shall take away all the fat thereof, as the fat of the lamb is taken away from the sacrifice of the peace offerings; and the priest shall burn them upon the altar, according to the offerings made by fire unto the LORD: and the priest shall make an atonement for his sin that he hath committed, and it shall be forgiven him.
Lev 7:5And the priest shall burn them upon the altar for an offering made by fire unto the LORD: it is a trespass offering.
Lev 9:13And they presented the burnt offering unto him, with the pieces thereof, and the head: and he burnt them upon the altar.
Lev 9:14And he did wash the inwards and the legs, and burnt them upon the burnt offering on the altar.
Lev 16:21And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of the goat, and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness:
Lev 22:22Blind, or broken, or maimed, or having a wen, or scurvy, or scabbed, ye shall not offer these unto the LORD, nor make an offering by fire of them upon the altar unto the LORD.
Num 6:19And the priest shall take the sodden shoulder of the ram, and one unleavened cake out of the basket, and one unleavened wafer, and shall put them upon the hands of the Nazarite, after the hair of his separation is shaven:
Deu 6:9And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.
Deu 11:20And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thine house, and upon thy gates:
Jos 2:8And before they were laid down, she came up unto them upon the roof;
2Ki 23:16And as Josiah turned himself, he spied the sepulchers that were there in the mount, and sent, and took the bones out of the sepulchers, and burned them upon the altar, and polluted it, according to the word of the LORD which the man of God proclaimed, who proclaimed these words.
Ezr 7:17That thou mayest buy speedily with this money bullocks, rams, lambs, with their meat offerings and their drink offerings, and offer them upon the altar of the house of your God which is in Jerusalem.
Job 37:12And it is turned round about by his counsels: that they may do whatsoever he commandeth them upon the face of the world in the earth.
Pro 3:3Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart:
Pro 7:3Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart.
Eze 34:13And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and feed them upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the inhabited places of the country.
Zec 6:11Then take silver and gold, and make crowns, and set them upon the head of Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest;