KJV (14) they are not

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Psa 21:11For they intended evil against thee: they imagined a mischievous device, which they are not able to perform.
Psa 73:5They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men.
Jer 5:10Go ye up upon her walls, and destroy; but make not a full end: take away her battlements; for they are not the LORD's.
Jer 9:3And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me, saith the LORD.
Jer 10:20My tabernacle is spoiled, and all my cords are broken: my children are gone forth of me, and they are not: there is none to stretch forth my tent any more, and to set up my curtains.
Jer 16:17For mine eyes are upon all their ways: they are not hid from my face, neither is their iniquity hid from mine eyes.
Jer 44:10They are not humbled even unto this day, neither have they feared, nor walked in my law, nor in my statutes, that I set before you and before your fathers.
Lam 4:8Their visage is blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets: their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick.
Amo 6:6That drink wine in bowls, and anoint themselves with the chief ointments: but they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph.
Mat 2:18In Ramah was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.
Joh 17:14I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
Joh 17:16They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
Rom 9:6Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:
2Pe 2:10But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.