KJV (56) time to

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Gen 30:33So shall my righteousness answer for me in time to come, when it shall come for my hire before thy face: every one that is not speckled and spotted among the goats, and brown among the sheep, that shall be counted stolen with me.
Gen 43:20And said, O sir, we came indeed down at the first time to buy food:
Exo 13:14And it shall be when thy son asketh thee in time to come, saying, What is this? that thou shalt say unto him, By strength of hand the LORD brought us out from Egypt, from the house of bondage:
Deu 4:14And the LORD commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and judgments, that ye might do them in the land whither ye go over to possess it.
Deu 5:5(I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to show you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying,
Deu 6:20And when thy son asketh thee in time to come, saying, What mean the testimonies, and the statutes, and the judgments, which the LORD our God hath commanded you?
Jos 4:6That this may be a sign among you, that when your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean ye by these stones?
Jos 4:21And he spoke unto the children of Israel, saying, When your children shall ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean these stones?
Jos 22:24And if we have not rather done it for fear of this thing, saying, In time to come your children might speak unto our children, saying, What have ye to do with the LORD God of Israel?
Jos 22:27But that it may be a witness between us, and you, and our generations after us, that we might do the service of the LORD before him with our burnt offerings, and with our sacrifices, and with our peace offerings; that your children may not say to our children in time to come, Ye have no part in the LORD.
Jos 22:28Therefore said we, that it shall be, when they should so say to us or to our generations in time to come, that we may say again, Behold the pattern of the altar of the LORD, which our fathers made, not for burnt offerings, nor for sacrifices; but it is a witness between us and you.
Jdg 9:8The trees went forth on a time to anoint a king over them; and they said unto the olive tree, Reign thou over us.
2Ki 5:26And he said unto him, Went not mine heart with thee, when the man turned again from his chariot to meet thee? Is it a time to receive money, and to receive garments, and oliveyards, and vineyards, and sheep, and oxen, and menservants, and maidservants?
2Ki 10:6Then he wrote a letter the second time to them, saying, If ye be mine, and if ye will hearken unto my voice, take ye the heads of the men your master's sons, and come to me to Jezreel by tomorrow this time. Now the king's sons, being seventy persons, were with the great men of the city, which brought them up.
1Ch 9:25And their brethren, which were in their villages, were to come after seven days from time to time with them.
Job 7:1Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth? are not his days also like the days of a hireling?
Job 9:19If I speak of strength, lo, he is strong: and if of judgment, who shall set me a time to plead?
Psa 102:13Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favor her, yea, the set time, is come.
Pro 31:25Strength and honor are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
Ecc 3:1To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
Ecc 3:2A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
Ecc 3:2A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
Ecc 3:2A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
Ecc 3:2A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
Ecc 3:3A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
Ecc 3:3A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
Ecc 3:3A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
Ecc 3:3A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
Ecc 3:4A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
Ecc 3:4A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
Ecc 3:4A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
Ecc 3:4A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
Ecc 3:5A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
Ecc 3:5A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
Ecc 3:5A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
Ecc 3:5A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
Ecc 3:6A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
Ecc 3:6A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
Ecc 3:6A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
Ecc 3:6A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
Ecc 3:7A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
Ecc 3:7A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
Ecc 3:7A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
Ecc 3:7A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
Ecc 3:8A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
Ecc 3:8A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
Isa 11:11And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.
Isa 30:8Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come forever and ever:
Isa 42:23Who among you will give ear to this? who will hearken and hear for the time to come?
Jer 51:33For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; The daughter of Babylon is like a threshingfloor, it is time to thresh her: yet a little while, and the time of her harvest shall come.
Eze 4:10And thy meat which thou shalt eat shall be by weight, twenty shekels a day: from time to time shalt thou eat it.
Eze 4:11Thou shalt drink also water by measure, the sixth part of a hin: from time to time shalt thou drink.
Hos 10:12Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.
Luk 14:17And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready.
Rom 13:11And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
1Ti 6:19Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.