KJV (76) to a

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Gen 14:23That I will not take from a thread even to to a shoelatchet, and that I will not take any thing that is thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich:
Gen 38:1And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down from his brethren, and turned in to a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah.
Exo 7:15Get thee unto Pharaoh in the morning; lo, he goeth out unto the water; and thou shalt stand by the river's brink against he come; and the rod which was turned to a serpent shalt thou take in thine hand.
Exo 16:35And the children of Israel did eat manna forty years, until they came to a land inhabited; they did eat manna, until they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan.
Lev 19:20And whosoever lieth carnally with a woman, that is a bondmaid, betrothed to a husband, and not at all redeemed, nor freedom given her; she shall be scourged; they shall not be put to death, because she was not free.
Num 23:3And Balaam said unto Balak, Stand by thy burnt offering, and I will go: peradventure the LORD will come to meet me: and whatsoever he showeth me I will tell thee. And he went to a high place.
Num 29:9And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil, three tenth deals to a bullock, and two tenth deals to one ram,
Deu 7:9Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;
Deu 22:22If a man be found lying with a woman married to a husband, then they shall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel.
Jdg 18:10When ye go, ye shall come unto a people secure, and to a large land: for God hath given it into your hands; a place where there is no want of any thing that is in the earth.
1Sa 14:25And all they of the land came to a wood; and there was honey upon the ground.
1Sa 15:5And Saul came to a city of Amalek, and laid wait in the valley.
1Sa 15:28And Samuel said unto him, The LORD hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day, and hath given it to a neighbor of thine, that is better than thou.
1Sa 19:22Then went he also to Ramah, and came to a great well that is in Sechu: and he asked and said, Where are Samuel and David? And one said, Behold, they be at Naioth in Ramah.
2Sa 17:18Nevertheless a lad saw them, and told Absalom: but they went both of them away quickly, and came to a man's house in Bahurim, which had a well in his court; whither they went down.
2Ki 4:19And he said unto his father, My head, my head. And he said to a lad, Carry him to his mother.
2Ki 18:32Until I come and take you away to a land like your own land, a land of corn and wine, a land of bread and vineyards, a land of oil olive and of honey, that ye may live, and not die: and hearken not unto Hezekiah, when he persuadeth you, saying, The LORD will deliver us.
2Ki 23:33And Pharaoh Necho put him in bands at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem; and put the land to a tribute of a hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold.
1Ch 16:15Be ye mindful always of his covenant; the word which he commanded to a thousand generations;
Ezr 7:22Unto a hundred talents of silver, and to a hundred measures of wheat, and to a hundred baths of wine, and to a hundred baths of oil, and salt without prescribing how much.
Ezr 7:22Unto a hundred talents of silver, and to a hundred measures of wheat, and to a hundred baths of wine, and to a hundred baths of oil, and salt without prescribing how much.
Ezr 7:22Unto a hundred talents of silver, and to a hundred measures of wheat, and to a hundred baths of wine, and to a hundred baths of oil, and salt without prescribing how much.
Ezr 9:7Since the days of our fathers have we been in a great trespass unto this day; and for our iniquities have we, our kings, and our priests, been delivered into the hand of the kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to a spoil, and to confusion of face, as it is this day.
Job 3:23Why is light given to a man whose way is hid, and whom God hath hedged in?
Job 34:18Is it fit to say to a king, Thou art wicked? and to princes, Ye are ungodly?
Psa 9:6O thou enemy, destructions are come to a perpetual end: and thou hast destroyed cities; their memorial is perished with them.
Psa 44:20If we have forgotten the name of our God, or stretched out our hands to a strange god;
Psa 49:4I will incline mine ear to a parable: I will open my dark saying upon the harp.
Psa 78:66And he smote his enemies in the hinder parts: he put them to a perpetual reproach.
Psa 105:8He hath remembered his covenant forever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations.
Psa 107:7And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation.
Pro 6:26For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.
Pro 9:9Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.
Pro 10:23It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.
Pro 17:4A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue.
Pro 20:17Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.
Pro 25:20As he that taketh away a garment in cold weather, and as vinegar upon niter, so is he that singeth songs to a heavy heart.
Pro 25:25As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.
Pro 26:8As he that bindeth a stone in a sling, so is he that giveth honor to a fool.
Ecc 2:21For there is a man whose labor is in wisdom, and in knowledge, and in equity; yet to a man that hath not labored therein shall he leave it for his portion. This also is vanity and a great evil.
Ecc 2:26For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good before God. This also is vanity and vexation of spirit.
Son 1:9I have compared thee, O my love, to a company of horses in Pharaoh's chariots.
Son 7:7This thy stature is like to a palm tree, and thy breasts to clusters of grapes.
Son 8:14Make haste, my beloved, and be thou like to a roe or to a young hart upon the mountains of spices.
Son 8:14Make haste, my beloved, and be thou like to a roe or to a young hart upon the mountains of spices.
Isa 18:2That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation scattered and peeled, to a people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled!
Isa 18:2That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation scattered and peeled, to a people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled!
Isa 30:6The burden of the beasts of the south: into the land of trouble and anguish, from whence come the young and old lion, the viper and fiery flying serpent, they will carry their riches upon the shoulders of young asses, and their treasures upon the bunches of camels, to a people that shall not profit them.
Isa 36:17Until I come and take you away to a land like your own land, a land of corn and wine, a land of bread and vineyards.
Isa 49:7Thus saith the LORD, the Redeemer of Israel, and his Holy One, to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorreth, to a servant of rulers, Kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship, because of the LORD that is faithful, and the Holy One of Israel, and he shall choose thee.
Jer 2:27Saying to a stock, Thou art my father; and to a stone, Thou hast brought me forth: for they have turned their back unto me, and not their face: but in the time of their trouble they will say, Arise, and save us.
Jer 2:27Saying to a stock, Thou art my father; and to a stone, Thou hast brought me forth: for they have turned their back unto me, and not their face: but in the time of their trouble they will say, Arise, and save us.
Jer 6:2I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman.
Eze 2:3And he said unto me, Son of man, I send thee to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against me: they and their fathers have transgressed against me, even unto this very day.
Eze 3:5For thou art not sent to a people of a strange speech and of a hard language, but to the house of Israel;
Eze 14:7For every one of the house of Israel, or of the stranger that sojourneth in Israel, which separateth himself from me, and setteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to a prophet to inquire of him concerning me; I the LORD will answer him by myself:
Eze 18:6And hath not eaten upon the mountains, neither hath lifted up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, neither hath defiled his neighbor's wife, neither hath come near to a menstruous woman,
Eze 46:11And in the feasts and in the solemnities the meat offering shall be an ephah to a bullock, and an ephah to a ram, and to the lambs as he is able to give, and a hin of oil to an ephah.
Eze 46:11And in the feasts and in the solemnities the meat offering shall be an ephah to a bullock, and an ephah to a ram, and to the lambs as he is able to give, and a hin of oil to an ephah.
Dan 5:1Belshazzar the king made a great feast to a thousand of his lords, and drank wine before the thousand.
Dan 7:5And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.
Joe 3:8And I will sell your sons and your daughters into the hand of the children of Judah, and they shall sell them to the Sabeans, to a people far off: for the LORD hath spoken it.
Hag 2:16Since those days were, when one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were but ten: when one came to the wine vat for to draw out fifty vessels out of the press, there were but twenty.
Mat 13:31Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:
Mat 21:43Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
Mar 14:32And they came to a place which was named Gethsemane: and he saith to his disciples, Sit ye here, while I shall pray.
Luk 1:27To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.
Luk 1:27To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.
Luk 14:8When thou art bidden of any man to a wedding, sit not down in the highest room; lest a more honorable man than thou be bidden of him;
Luk 15:15And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine.
Luk 24:13And, behold, two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs.
Joh 4:5Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.
Rom 1:28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
1Co 6:16What? know ye not that he which is joined to a harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.
1Co 10:27If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake.
Rev 21:10And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,