KJV (10) to god and

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
1Ch 26:32And his brethren, men of valor, were two thousand and seven hundred chief fathers, whom king David made rulers over the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh, for every matter pertaining to God, and affairs of the king.
Luk 6:12And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.
Act 20:32And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.
Act 26:20But showed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance.
Rom 4:20He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
Rom 14:18For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men.
1Co 10:20But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.
Col 1:3We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you,
Col 3:17And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
Jam 4:8Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.