KJV (15) to him that is

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Exo 12:49One law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you.
Job 3:20Wherefore is light given to him that is in misery, and life unto the bitter in soul;
Job 6:14To him that is afflicted pity should be showed from his friend; but he forsaketh the fear of the Almighty.
Pro 15:21Folly is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom: but a man of understanding walketh uprightly.
Pro 18:9He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster.
Ecc 2:26For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good before God. This also is vanity and vexation of spirit.
Ecc 4:10For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.
Ecc 9:4For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion.
Isa 29:12And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
Isa 50:4The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.
Isa 57:19I create the fruit of the lips; Peace, peace to him that is far off, and to him that is near, saith the LORD; and I will heal him.
Isa 57:19I create the fruit of the lips; Peace, peace to him that is far off, and to him that is near, saith the LORD; and I will heal him.
Isa 66:2For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.
Rom 16:25Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,
1Pe 4:5Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead.