KJV (9) understanding in

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Deu 4:6Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.
Deu 32:28For they are a nation void of counsel, neither is there any understanding in them.
2Ch 26:5And he sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God: and as long as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper.
Pro 3:4So shalt thou find favor and good understanding in the sight of God and man.
Pro 3:5Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Isa 11:3And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:
Dan 1:17As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.
Oba 1:7All the men of thy confederacy have brought thee even to the border: the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee, and prevailed against thee; they that eat thy bread have laid a wound under thee: there is none understanding in him.
2Ti 2:7Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things.