KJV (8) upon the mountains and

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Jdg 11:37And she said unto her father, Let this thing be done for me: let me alone two months, that I may go up and down upon the mountains, and bewail my virginity, I and my fellows.
Jdg 11:38And he said, Go. And he sent her away for two months: and she went with her companions, and bewailed her virginity upon the mountains.
Isa 65:7Your iniquities, and the iniquities of your fathers together, saith the LORD, which have burned incense upon the mountains, and blasphemed me upon the hills: therefore will I measure their former work into their bosom.
Eze 18:11And that doeth not any of those duties, but even hath eaten upon the mountains, and defiled his neighbor's wife,
Eze 31:12And strangers, the terrible of the nations, have cut him off, and have left him: upon the mountains and in all the valleys his branches are fallen, and his boughs are broken by all the rivers of the land; and all the people of the earth are gone down from his shadow, and have left him.
Eze 32:5And I will lay thy flesh upon the mountains, and fill the valleys with thy height.
Nah 3:18Thy shepherds slumber, O king of Assyria: thy nobles shall dwell in the dust: thy people is scattered upon the mountains, and no man gathereth them.
Hag 1:11And I called for a drought upon the land, and upon the mountains, and upon the corn, and upon the new wine, and upon the oil, and upon that which the ground bringeth forth, and upon men, and upon cattle, and upon all the labor of the hands.