KJV (5) which i gave

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Gen 35:12And the land which I gave Abraham and Isaac, to thee I will give it, and to thy seed after thee will I give the land.
1Sa 9:23And Samuel said unto the cook, Bring the portion which I gave thee, of which I said unto thee, Set it by thee.
2Ki 21:8Neither will I make the feet of Israel move any more out of the land which I gave their fathers; only if they will observe to do according to all that I have commanded them, and according to all the law that my servant Moses commanded them.
Jer 7:14Therefore will I do unto this house, which is called by my name, wherein ye trust, and unto the place which I gave to you and to your fathers, as I have done to Shiloh.
Eze 16:19My meat also which I gave thee, fine flour, and oil, and honey, wherewith I fed thee, thou hast even set it before them for a sweet savor: and thus it was, saith the Lord GOD.