KJV (4) your mother

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Isa 50:1Thus saith the LORD, Where is the bill of your mother's divorcement, whom I have put away? or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you? Behold, for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves, and for your transgressions is your mother put away.
Jer 50:12Your mother shall be sore confounded; she that bore you shall be ashamed: behold, the hindmost of the nations shall be a wilderness, a dry land, and a desert.
Eze 16:45Thou art thy mother's daughter, that loatheth her husband and her children; and thou art the sister of thy sisters, which loathed their husbands and their children: your mother was a Hittite, and your father an Amorite.
Hos 2:2Plead with your mother, plead: for she is not my wife, neither am I her husband: let her therefore put away her whoredoms out of her sight, and her adulteries from between her breasts;