KJV (17) and touched

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Jdg 6:21Then the angel of the LORD put forth the end of the staff that was in his hand, and touched the flesh and the unleavened cakes; and there rose up fire out of the rock, and consumed the flesh and the unleavened cakes. Then the angel of the LORD departed out of his sight.
1Ki 19:7And the angel of the LORD came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise and eat; because the journey is too great for thee.
2Ki 13:21And it came to pass, as they were burying a man, that, behold, they spied a band of men; and they cast the man into the sepulcher of Elisha: and when the man was let down, and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived, and stood up on his feet.
Est 5:2And it was so, when the king saw Esther the queen standing in the court, that she obtained favor in his sight: and the king held out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand. So Esther drew near, and touched the top of the scepter.
Jer 1:9Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth.
Dan 8:5And as I was considering, behold, a he goat came from the west on the face of the whole earth, and touched not the ground: and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes.
Dan 10:18Then there came again and touched me one like the appearance of a man, and he strengthened me,
Mat 8:3And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.
Mat 9:20And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:
Mat 17:7And Jesus came and touched them, and said, Arise, and be not afraid.
Mat 20:34So Jesus had compassion on them, and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.
Mar 1:41And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean.
Mar 5:27When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.
Mar 7:33And he took him aside from the multitude, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spit, and touched his tongue;
Luk 5:13And he put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will: be thou clean. And immediately the leprosy departed from him.
Luk 7:14And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise.
Luk 8:44Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood staunched.