KJV (14) and we shall

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Gen 26:22And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.
Gen 37:20Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we will say, Some evil beast hath devoured him: and we shall see what will become of his dreams.
2Ki 7:4If we say, We will enter into the city, then the famine is in the city, and we shall die there: and if we sit still here, we die also. Now therefore come, and let us fall unto the host of the Syrians: if they save us alive, we shall live; and if they kill us, we shall but die.
Psa 80:3Turn us again, O God, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.
Psa 80:7Turn us again, O God of hosts, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.
Psa 80:19Turn us again, O LORD God of hosts, cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.
Isa 64:5Thou meetest him that rejoiceth and worketh righteousness, those that remember thee in thy ways: behold, thou art wroth; for we have sinned: in those is continuance, and we shall be saved.
Jer 20:10For I heard the defaming of many, fear on every side. Report, say they, and we will report it. All my familiars watched for my halting, saying, Peradventure he will be enticed, and we shall prevail against him, and we shall take our revenge on him.
Jer 20:10For I heard the defaming of many, fear on every side. Report, say they, and we will report it. All my familiars watched for my halting, saying, Peradventure he will be enticed, and we shall prevail against him, and we shall take our revenge on him.
Lam 5:21Turn thou us unto thee, O LORD, and we shall be turned; renew our days as of old.
Hos 6:2After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.
1Co 15:52In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
3Jo 1:14But I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to thee. Our friends salute thee. Greet the friends by name.
Rev 5:10And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.