KJV (33) bed and

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Gen 48:2And one told Jacob, and said, Behold, thy son Joseph cometh unto thee: and Israel strengthened himself, and sat upon the bed.
Gen 49:33And when Jacob had made an end of commanding his sons, he gathered up his feet into the bed, and yielded up the ghost, and was gathered unto his people.
Exo 8:3And the river shall bring forth frogs abundantly, which shall go up and come into thine house, and into thy bedchamber, and upon thy bed, and into the house of thy servants, and upon thy people, and into thine ovens, and into thy kneading troughs:
1Sa 19:13And Michal took an image, and laid it in the bed, and put a pillow of goats' hair for his bolster, and covered it with a cloth.
1Sa 28:23But he refused, and said, I will not eat. But his servants, together with the woman, compelled him; and he hearkened unto their voice. So he arose from the earth, and sat upon the bed.
2Sa 11:2And it came to pass in an eveningtide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king's house: and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon.
2Sa 13:5And Jonadab said unto him, Lay thee down on thy bed, and make thyself sick: and when thy father cometh to see thee, say unto him, I pray thee, let my sister Tamar come, and give me meat, and dress the meat in my sight, that I may see it, and eat it at her hand.
1Ki 1:47And moreover the king's servants came to bless our lord king David, saying, God make the name of Solomon better than thy name, and make his throne greater than thy throne. And the king bowed himself upon the bed.
1Ki 17:19And he said unto her, Give me thy son. And he took him out of her bosom, and carried him up into a loft, where he abode, and laid him upon his own bed.
1Ki 21:4And Ahab came into his house heavy and displeased because of the word which Naboth the Jezreelite had spoken to him: for he had said, I will not give thee the inheritance of my fathers. And he laid him down upon his bed, and turned away his face, and would eat no bread.
2Ki 4:10Let us make a little chamber, I pray thee, on the wall; and let us set for him there a bed, and a table, and a stool, and a candlestick: and it shall be, when he cometh to us, that he shall turn in thither.
2Ch 24:25And when they were departed from him, (for they left him in great diseases,) his own servants conspired against him for the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest, and slew him on his bed, and he died: and they buried him in the city of David, but they buried him not in the sepulchers of the kings.
Job 33:19He is chastened also with pain upon his bed, and the multitude of his bones with strong pain:
Psa 4:4Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.
Psa 63:6When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches.
Isa 57:8Behind the doors also and the posts hast thou set up thy remembrance: for thou hast discovered thyself to another than me, and art gone up; thou hast enlarged thy bed, and made thee a covenant with them; thou lovedst their bed where thou sawest it.
Eze 23:41And satest upon a stately bed, and a table prepared before it, whereupon thou hast set mine incense and mine oil.
Dan 4:5I saw a dream which made me afraid, and the thoughts upon my bed and the visions of my head troubled me.
Dan 4:13I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, behold, a watcher and a holy one came down from heaven;
Amo 3:12Thus saith the LORD; As the shepherd taketh out of the mouth of the lion two legs, or a piece of an ear; so shall the children of Israel be taken out that dwell in Samaria in the corner of a bed, and in Damascus in a couch.
Mat 9:2And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.
Mat 9:6But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.
Mar 2:9Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk?
Mar 2:11I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house.
Mar 2:12And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all; insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion.
Mar 4:21And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on a candlestick?
Mar 7:30And when she was come to her house, she found the devil gone out, and her daughter laid upon the bed.
Joh 5:8Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.
Joh 5:9And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.
Joh 5:11He answered them, He that made me whole, the same said unto me, Take up thy bed, and walk.
Joh 5:12Then asked they him, What man is that which said unto thee, Take up thy bed, and walk?
Act 9:34And Peter said unto him, Aeneas Jesus Christ maketh thee whole: arise, and make thy bed. And he arose immediately.
Rev 2:22Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.