KJV (70) came into

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Gen 24:32And the man came into the house: and he ungirded his camels, and gave straw and provender for the camels, and water to wash his feet, and the men's feet that were with him.
Gen 29:1Then Jacob went on his journey, and came into the land of the people of the east.
Gen 41:57And all countries came into Egypt to Joseph for to buy corn; because that the famine was so sore in all lands.
Gen 45:25And they went up out of Egypt, and came into the land of Canaan unto Jacob their father,
Gen 46:6And they took their cattle, and their goods, which they had gotten in the land of Canaan, and came into Egypt, Jacob, and all his seed with him:
Gen 46:8And these are the names of the children of Israel, which came into Egypt, Jacob and his sons: Reuben, Jacob's firstborn.
Gen 46:27And the sons of Joseph, which were born him in Egypt, were two souls: all the souls of the house of Jacob, which came into Egypt, were threescore and ten.
Gen 46:28And he sent Judah before him unto Joseph, to direct his face unto Goshen; and they came into the land of Goshen.
Exo 1:1Now these are the names of the children of Israel, which came into Egypt; every man and his household came with Jacob.
Exo 14:28And the waters returned, and covered the chariots, and the horsemen, and all the host of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them; there remained not so much as one of them.
Exo 18:7And Moses went out to meet his father-in-law, and did obeisance, and kissed him; and they asked each other of their welfare; and they came into the tent.
Deu 1:31And in the wilderness, where thou hast seen how that the LORD thy God bore thee, as a man doth bear his son, in all the way that ye went, until ye came into this place.
Deu 11:5And what he did unto you in the wilderness, until ye came into this place;
Jos 2:1And Joshua the son of Nun sent out of Shittim two men to spy secretly, saying, Go view the land, even Jericho. And they went, and came into a harlot's house, named Rahab, and lodged there.
Jos 6:11So the ark of the LORD compassed the city, going about it once: and they came into the camp, and lodged in the camp.
Jdg 4:22And, behold, as Barak pursued Sisera, Jael came out to meet him, and said unto him, Come, and I will show thee the man whom thou seekest. And when he came into her tent, behold, Sisera lay dead, and the nail was in his temples.
Jdg 19:22Now as they were making their hearts merry, behold, the men of the city, certain sons of Belial, beset the house round about, and beat at the door, and spoke to the master of the house, the old man, saying, Bring forth the man that came into thine house, that we may know him.
Jdg 20:4And the Levite, the husband of the woman that was slain, answered and said, I came into Gibeah that belongeth to Benjamin, I and my concubine, to lodge.
Rth 1:2And the name of the man was Elimelech, and the name of his wife Naomi, and the name of his two sons Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites of Bethlehem-judah. And they came into the country of Moab, and continued there.
Rth 3:14And she lay at his feet until the morning: and she rose up before one could know another. And he said, Let it not be known that a woman came into the floor.
1Sa 4:5And when the ark of the covenant of the LORD came into the camp, all Israel shouted with a great shout, so that the earth rang again.
1Sa 4:13And when he came, lo, Eli sat upon a seat by the wayside watching: for his heart trembled for the ark of God. And when the man came into the city, and told it, all the city cried out.
1Sa 6:14And the cart came into the field of Joshua, a Beth-shemite, and stood there, where there was a great stone: and they cleaved the wood of the cart, and offered the kine a burnt offering unto the LORD.
1Sa 11:11And it was so on the morrow, that Saul put the people in three companies; and they came into the midst of the host in the morning watch, and slew the Ammonites until the heat of the day: and it came to pass, that they which remained were scattered, so that two of them were not left together.
1Sa 22:5And the prophet Gad said unto David, Abide not in the hold; depart, and get thee into the land of Judah. Then David departed, and came into the forest of Hareth.
2Sa 4:7For when they came into the house, he lay on his bed in his bedchamber, and they smote him, and slew him, and beheaded him, and took his head, and got them away through the plain all night.
2Sa 6:16And as the ark of the LORD came into the city of David, Michal Saul's daughter looked through a window, and saw king David leaping and dancing before the LORD; and she despised him in her heart.
2Sa 10:2Then said David, I will show kindness unto Hanun the son of Nahash, as his father showed kindness unto me. And David sent to comfort him by the hand of his servants for his father. And David's servants came into the land of the children of Ammon.
2Sa 12:20Then David arose from the earth, and washed, and anointed himself, and changed his apparel, and came into the house of the LORD, and worshiped: then he came to his own house; and when he required, they set bread before him, and he did eat.
2Sa 15:37So Hushai David's friend came into the city, and Absalom came into Jerusalem.
2Sa 15:37So Hushai David's friend came into the city, and Absalom came into Jerusalem.
2Sa 19:5And Joab came into the house to the king, and said, Thou hast shamed this day the faces of all thy servants, which this day have saved thy life, and the lives of thy sons and of thy daughters, and the lives of thy wives, and the lives of thy concubines;
1Ki 1:28Then king David answered and said, Call me Bath-sheba. And she came into the king's presence, and stood before the king.
1Ki 17:22And the LORD heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived.
1Ki 20:30But the rest fled to Aphek, into the city; and there a wall fell upon twenty and seven thousand of the men that were left. And Ben-hadad fled, and came into the city, into an inner chamber.
1Ki 21:4And Ahab came into his house heavy and displeased because of the word which Naboth the Jezreelite had spoken to him: for he had said, I will not give thee the inheritance of my fathers. And he laid him down upon his bed, and turned away his face, and would eat no bread.
2Ki 10:21And Jehu sent through all Israel: and all the worshipers of Baal came, so that there was not a man left that came not. And they came into the house of Baal; and the house of Baal was full from one end to another.
2Ki 11:16And they laid hands on her; and she went by the way by the which the horses came into the king's house: and there was she slain.
1Ch 19:2And David said, I will show kindness unto Hanun the son of Nahash, because his father showed kindness to me. And David sent messengers to comfort him concerning his father. So the servants of David came into the land of the children of Ammon to Hanun, to comfort him.
2Ch 7:11Thus Solomon finished the house of the LORD, and the king's house: and all that came into Solomon's heart to make in the house of the LORD, and in his own house, he prosperously effected.
Psa 105:23Israel also came into Egypt; and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham.
Jer 41:7And it was so, when they came into the midst of the city, that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah slew them, and cast them into the midst of the pit, he, and the men that were with him.
Jer 43:7So they came into the land of Egypt: for they obeyed not the voice of the LORD: thus came they even to Tahpanhes.
Eze 37:10So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.
Eze 43:4And the glory of the LORD came into the house by the way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east.
Dan 2:29As for thee, O king, thy thoughts came into thy mind upon thy bed, what should come to pass hereafter: and he that revealeth secrets maketh known to thee what shall come to pass.
Dan 5:10Now the queen, by reason of the words of the king and his lords, came into the banquet house: and the queen spoke and said, O king, live forever: let not thy thoughts trouble thee, nor let thy countenance be changed:
Mat 2:21And he arose, and took the young child and his mother, and came into the land of Israel.
Mat 9:1And he entered into a ship, and passed over, and came into his own city.
Mat 9:23And when Jesus came into the ruler's house, and saw the minstrels and the people making a noise,
Mat 14:34And when they were gone over, they came into the land of Gennesaret.
Mat 15:39And he sent away the multitude, and took ship, and came into the coasts of Magdala.
Mat 16:13When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?
Mat 19:1And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these sayings, he departed from Galilee, and came into the coasts of Judea beyond Jordan;
Mat 28:11Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and showed unto the chief priests all the things that were done.
Mar 1:14Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,
Mar 6:1And he went out from thence, and came into his own country; and his disciples follow him.
Mar 6:53And when they had passed over, they came into the land of Gennesaret, and drew to the shore.
Mar 8:10And straightway he entered into a ship with his disciples, and came into the parts of Dalmanutha.
Mar 14:16And his disciples went forth, and came into the city, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover.
Luk 3:3And he came into all the country about Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins;
Luk 8:51And when he came into the house, he suffered no man to go in, save Peter, and James, and John, and the father and the mother of the maiden.
Act 7:23And when he was full forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of Israel.
Act 14:20Howbeit, as the disciples stood round about him, he rose up, and came into the city: and the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe.
Act 20:2And when he had gone over those parts, and had given them much exhortation, he came into Greece,
Act 20:18And when they were come to him, he said unto them, Ye know, from the first day that I came into Asia, after what manner I have been with you at all seasons,
Act 22:11And when I could not see for the glory of that light, being led by the hand of them that were with me, I came into Damascus.
Act 24:27But after two years Porcius Festus came into Felix' room: and Felix, willing to show the Jews a pleasure, left Paul bound.
Gal 1:21Afterwards I came into the regions of Syria and Cilicia;
1Ti 1:15This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.