KJV (12) commanded us

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Deu 1:19And when we departed from Horeb, we went through all that great and terrible wilderness, which ye saw by the way of the mountain of the Amorites, as the LORD our God commanded us; and we came to Kadesh-barnea.
Deu 1:41Then ye answered and said unto me, We have sinned against the LORD, we will go up and fight, according to all that the LORD our God commanded us. And when ye had girded on every man his weapons of war, ye were ready to go up into the hill.
Deu 6:24And the LORD commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the LORD our God, for our good always, that he might preserve us alive, as it is at this day.
Deu 6:25And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before the LORD our God, as he hath commanded us.
Deu 33:4Moses commanded us a law, even the inheritance of the congregation of Jacob.
Ezr 4:3But Zerubbabel, and Jeshua, and the rest of the chief of the fathers of Israel, said unto them, Ye have nothing to do with us to build a house unto our God; but we ourselves together will build unto the LORD God of Israel, as king Cyrus the king of Persia hath commanded us.
Psa 119:4Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently.
Jer 35:6But they said, We will drink no wine: for Jonadab the son of Rechab our father commanded us, saying, Ye shall drink no wine, neither ye, nor your sons forever:
Jer 35:10But we have dwelt in tents, and have obeyed, and done according to all that Jonadab our father commanded us.
Joh 8:5Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?
Act 10:42And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead.
Act 13:47For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth.