KJV (17) countries and

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Gen 10:20These are the sons of Ham, after their families, after their tongues, in their countries, and in their nations.
Gen 26:3Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I swore unto Abraham thy father;
Gen 26:4And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed;
1Ch 29:30With all his reign and his might, and the times that went over him, and over Israel, and over all the kingdoms of the countries.
2Ch 15:5And in those times there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the countries.
Ezr 3:3And they set the altar upon his bases; for fear was upon them because of the people of those countries: and they offered burnt offerings thereon unto the LORD, even burnt offerings morning and evening.
Isa 37:18Of a truth, LORD, the kings of Assyria have laid waste all the nations, and their countries,
Jer 28:8The prophets that have been before me and before thee of old prophesied both against many countries, and against great kingdoms, of war, and of evil, and of pestilence.
Eze 6:8Yet will I leave a remnant, that ye may have some that shall escape the sword among the nations, when ye shall be scattered through the countries.
Eze 22:15And I will scatter thee among the heathen, and disperse thee in the countries, and will consume thy filthiness out of thee.
Eze 30:23And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and will disperse them through the countries.
Eze 30:26And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and disperse them among the countries; and they shall know that I am the LORD.
Eze 34:13And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and feed them upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the inhabited places of the country.
Eze 36:24For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.
Dan 11:40And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
Dan 11:42He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
Zec 10:9And I will sow them among the people: and they shall remember me in far countries; and they shall live with their children, and turn again.