KJV (9) cut off in

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Lev 20:17And if a man shall take his sister, his father's daughter, or his mother's daughter, and see her nakedness, and she see his nakedness; it is a wicked thing; and they shall be cut off in the sight of their people: he hath uncovered his sister's nakedness; he shall bear his iniquity.
Job 21:21For what pleasure hath he in his house after him, when the number of his months is cut off in the midst?
Job 36:20Desire not the night, when people are cut off in their place.
Isa 15:2He is gone up to Bajith, and to Dibon, the high places, to weep: Moab shall howl over Nebo, and over Medeba: on all their heads shall be baldness, and every beard cut off.
Jer 49:26Therefore her young men shall fall in her streets, and all the men of war shall be cut off in that day, saith the LORD of hosts.
Jer 50:30Therefore shall her young men fall in the streets, and all her men of war shall be cut off in that day, saith the LORD.
Jer 51:6Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniquity; for this is the time of the LORD's vengeance; he will render unto her a recompense.
Lam 2:3He hath cut off in his fierce anger all the horn of Israel: he hath drawn back his right hand from before the enemy, and he burned against Jacob like a flaming fire, which devoureth round about.
Zec 11:8Three shepherds also I cut off in one month; and my soul loathed them, and their soul also abhorred me.