KJV (6) again to the

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Est 6:12And Mordecai came again to the king's gate. But Haman hasted to his house mourning, and having his head covered.
Psa 107:26They mount up to the heaven, they go down again to the depths: their soul is melted because of trouble.
Lam 3:40Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the LORD.
Luk 4:20And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him.
Joh 21:1After these things Jesus showed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise showed he himself.
Gal 4:9But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?