KJV (41) deliver me

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Gen 32:11Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau: for I fear him, lest he will come and smite me, and the mother with the children.
1Sa 17:37David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee.
1Sa 23:11Will the men of Keilah deliver me up into his hand? will Saul come down, as thy servant hath heard? O LORD God of Israel, I beseech thee, tell thy servant. And the LORD said, He will come down.
1Sa 23:12Then said David, Will the men of Keilah deliver me and my men into the hand of Saul? And the LORD said, They will deliver thee up.
1Sa 24:15The LORD therefore be judge, and judge between me and thee, and see, and plead my cause, and deliver me out of thine hand.
1Sa 26:24And, behold, as thy life was much set by this day in mine eyes, so let my life be much set by in the eyes of the LORD, and let him deliver me out of all tribulation.
1Sa 30:15And David said to him, Canst thou bring me down to this company? And he said, Swear unto me by God, that thou wilt neither kill me, nor deliver me into the hands of my master, and I will bring thee down to this company.
2Sa 3:14And David sent messengers to Ish-bosheth Saul's son, saying, Deliver me my wife Michal, which I espoused to me for a hundred foreskins of the Philistines.
1Ki 20:5And the messengers came again, and said, Thus speaketh Ben-hadad, saying, Although I have sent unto thee, saying, Thou shalt deliver me thy silver, and thy gold, and thy wives, and thy children;
Job 6:23Or, Deliver me from the enemy's hand? or, Redeem me from the hand of the mighty?
Psa 7:1Shiggaion of David, which he sang unto the LORD, concerning the words of Cush the Benjamite. O LORD my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me:
Psa 25:20O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Psa 27:12Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty.
Psa 31:1To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed: deliver me in thy righteousness.
Psa 31:2Bow down thine ear to me; deliver me speedily: be thou my strong rock, for a house of defense to save me.
Psa 31:15My times are in thy hand: deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me.
Psa 39:8Deliver me from all my transgressions: make me not the reproach of the foolish.
Psa 40:13Be pleased, O LORD, to deliver me: O LORD, make haste to help me.
Psa 43:1Judge me, O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation: O deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man.
Psa 51:14Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness.
Psa 59:1To the chief Musician, Al-taschith, Michtam of David; when Saul sent, and they watched the house to kill him. Deliver me from mine enemies, O my God: defend me from them that rise up against me.
Psa 59:2Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, and save me from bloody men.
Psa 69:14Deliver me out of the mire, and let me not sink: let me be delivered from them that hate me, and out of the deep waters.
Psa 69:18Draw nigh unto my soul, and redeem it: deliver me because of mine enemies.
Psa 70:1To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David, to bring to remembrance. Make haste, O God, to deliver me; make haste to help me, O LORD.
Psa 71:2Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me.
Psa 71:4Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand of the wicked, out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man.
Psa 119:134Deliver me from the oppression of man: so will I keep thy precepts.
Psa 119:153Consider mine affliction, and deliver me: for I do not forget thy law.
Psa 119:154Plead my cause, and deliver me: quicken me according to thy word.
Psa 119:170Let my supplication come before thee: deliver me according to thy word.
Psa 140:1To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. Deliver me, O LORD, from the evil man: preserve me from the violent man;
Psa 142:6Attend unto my cry; for I am brought very low: deliver me from my persecutors; for they are stronger than I.
Psa 143:9Deliver me, O LORD, from mine enemies: I flee unto thee to hide me.
Psa 144:7Send thine hand from above; rid me, and deliver me out of great waters, from the hand of strange children;
Psa 144:11Rid me, and deliver me from the hand of strange children, whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood:
Isa 44:17And the residue thereof he maketh a god, even his graven image: he falleth down unto it, and worshipeth it, and prayeth unto it, and saith, Deliver me; for thou art my god.
Jer 38:19And Zedekiah the king said unto Jeremiah, I am afraid of the Jews that are fallen to the Chaldeans, lest they deliver me into their hand, and they mock me.
Act 25:11For if I be an offender, or have committed any thing worthy of death, I refuse not to die: but if there be none of these things whereof these accuse me, no man may deliver me unto them. I appeal unto Caesar.
Rom 7:24O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
2Ti 4:18And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.