KJV (12) eat that

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Gen 27:4And make me savory meat, such as I love, and bring it to me, that I may eat; that my soul may bless thee before I die.
Exo 12:16And in the first day there shall be a holy convocation, and in the seventh day there shall be a holy convocation to you; no manner of work shall be done in them, save that which every man must eat, that only may be done of you.
Exo 16:25And Moses said, Eat that today; for today is a sabbath unto the LORD: today ye shall not find it in the field.
1Sa 9:13As soon as ye be come into the city, ye shall straightway find him, before he go up to the high place to eat: for the people will not eat until he come, because he doth bless the sacrifice; and afterwards they eat that be bidden. Now therefore get you up; for about this time ye shall find him.
1Sa 28:22Now therefore, I pray thee, hearken thou also unto the voice of thine handmaid, and let me set a morsel of bread before thee; and eat, that thou mayest have strength, when thou goest on thy way.
Isa 7:15Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good.
Isa 7:22And it shall come to pass, for the abundance of milk that they shall give he shall eat butter: for butter and honey shall every one eat that is left in the land.
Eze 2:8But thou, son of man, hear what I say unto thee; Be not thou rebellious like that rebellious house: open thy mouth, and eat that I give thee.
Eze 3:1Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, eat that thou findest; eat this roll, and go speak unto the house of Israel.
Eze 3:2So I opened my mouth, and he caused me to eat that roll.
Eze 34:19And as for my flock, they eat that which ye have trodden with your feet; and they drink that which ye have fouled with your feet.
Joh 4:32But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of.