KJV (8) even all that

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Gen 34:29And all their wealth, and all their little ones, and their wives took they captive, and spoiled even all that was in the house.
Exo 10:12And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand over the land of Egypt for the locusts, that they may come up upon the land of Egypt, and eat every herb of the land, even all that the hail hath left.
Num 15:23Even all that the LORD hath commanded you by the hand of Moses, from the day that the LORD commanded Moses, and henceforward among your generations;
Deu 25:18How he met thee by the way, and smote the hindmost of thee, even all that were feeble behind thee, when thou wast faint and weary; and he feared not God.
1Ch 25:7So the number of them, with their brethren that were instructed in the songs of the LORD, even all that were cunning, was two hundred fourscore and eight.
Psa 74:3Lift up thy feet unto the perpetual desolations; even all that the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.
Isa 29:7And the multitude of all the nations that fight against Ariel, even all that fight against her and her munition, and that distress her, shall be as a dream of a night vision.
Jer 25:13And I will bring upon that land all my words which I have pronounced against it, even all that is written in this book, which Jeremiah hath prophesied against all the nations.