KJV (15) generation to

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Exo 17:16For he said, Because the LORD hath sworn that the LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.
Deu 29:22So that the generation to come of your children that shall rise up after you, and the stranger that shall come from a far land, shall say, when they see the plagues of that land, and the sicknesses which the LORD hath laid upon it;
Psa 78:4We will not hide them from their children, showing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done.
Psa 78:6That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children:
Psa 102:18This shall be written for the generation to come: and the people which shall be created shall praise the LORD.
Isa 13:20It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there.
Isa 34:10It shall not be quenched night nor day; the smoke thereof shall go up forever: from generation to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it forever and ever.
Isa 34:17And he hath cast the lot for them, and his hand hath divided it unto them by line: they shall possess it forever, from generation to generation shall they dwell therein.
Isa 51:8For the moth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool: but my righteousness shall be forever, and my salvation from generation to generation.
Jer 50:39Therefore the wild beasts of the desert with the wild beasts of the islands shall dwell there, and the owls shall dwell therein: and it shall be no more inhabited forever; neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation.
Lam 5:19Thou, O LORD, remainest forever; thy throne from generation to generation.
Dan 4:3How great are his signs! and how mighty are his wonders! his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his dominion is from generation to generation.
Dan 4:34And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and mine understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the most High, and I praised and honored him that liveth forever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation:
Joe 3:20But Judah shall dwell forever, and Jerusalem from generation to generation.
Luk 1:50And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation.