KJV (34) good to

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Gen 50:20But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.
2Sa 3:19And Abner also spoke in the ears of Benjamin: and Abner went also to speak in the ears of David in Hebron all that seemed good to Israel, and that seemed good to the whole house of Benjamin.
2Sa 3:19And Abner also spoke in the ears of Benjamin: and Abner went also to speak in the ears of David in Hebron all that seemed good to Israel, and that seemed good to the whole house of Benjamin.
1Ki 21:2And Ahab spoke unto Naboth, saying, Give me thy vineyard, that I may have it for a garden of herbs, because it is near unto my house: and I will give thee for it a better vineyard than it; or, if it seem good to thee, I will give thee the worth of it in money.
2Ch 18:12And the messenger that went to call Micaiah spoke to him, saying, Behold, the words of the prophets declare good to the king with one assent; let thy word therefore, I pray thee, be like one of theirs, and speak thou good.
Ezr 5:17Now therefore, if it seem good to the king, let there be search made in the king's treasure house, which is there at Babylon, whether it be so, that a decree was made of Cyrus the king to build this house of God at Jerusalem, and let the king send his pleasure to us concerning this matter.
Ezr 7:18And whatsoever shall seem good to thee, and to thy brethren, to do with the rest of the silver and the gold, that do after the will of your God.
Est 3:11And the king said unto Haman, The silver is given to thee, the people also, to do with them as it seemeth good to thee.
Job 24:21He evil entreateth the barren that beareth not: and doeth not good to the widow.
Psa 35:12They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul.
Psa 73:1A Psalm of Asaph. Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart.
Psa 145:9The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.
Psa 147:1Praise ye the LORD: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely.
Pro 11:17The merciful man doeth good to his own soul: but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh.
Pro 18:5It is not good to accept the person of the wicked, to overthrow the righteous in judgment.
Pro 24:23These things also belong to the wise. It is not good to have respect of persons in judgment.
Pro 25:27It is not good to eat much honey: so for men to search their own glory is not glory.
Jer 18:4And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.
Dan 4:2I thought it good to show the signs and wonders that the high God hath wrought toward me.
Mic 2:7O thou that art named the house of Jacob, is the spirit of the LORD straitened? are these his doings? do not my words do good to him that walketh uprightly?
Mat 5:44But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Mat 19:10His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry.
Luk 1:3It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, most excellent Theophilus,
Luk 6:27But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,
Luk 6:33And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same.
Luk 6:33And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same.
Act 15:28For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;
Act 15:38But Paul thought not good to take him with them, who departed from them from Pamphylia, and went not with them to the work.
Rom 2:10But glory, honor, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile:
Rom 8:28And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Rom 15:2Let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification.
Gal 4:18But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing, and not only when I am present with you.
Eph 4:29Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
1Th 3:1Wherefore when we could no longer forbear, we thought it good to be left at Athens alone;