KJV (16) great waters

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Psa 32:6For this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou mayest be found: surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto him.
Psa 77:19Thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps are not known.
Psa 107:23They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters;
Psa 144:7Send thine hand from above; rid me, and deliver me out of great waters, from the hand of strange children;
Isa 23:3And by great waters the seed of Sihor, the harvest of the river, is her revenue; and she is a mart of nations.
Jer 41:12Then they took all the men, and went to fight with Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and found him by the great waters that are in Gibeon.
Jer 51:55Because the LORD hath spoiled Babylon, and destroyed out of her the great voice; when her waves do roar like great waters, a noise of their voice is uttered:
Eze 1:24And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty, the voice of speech, as the noise of a host: when they stood, they let down their wings.
Eze 17:5He took also of the seed of the land, and planted it in a fruitful field; he placed it by great waters, and set it as a willow tree.
Eze 17:8It was planted in a good soil by great waters, that it might bring forth branches, and that it might bear fruit, that it might be a goodly vine.
Eze 26:19For thus saith the Lord GOD; When I shall make thee a desolate city, like the cities that are not inhabited; when I shall bring up the deep upon thee, and great waters shall cover thee;
Eze 27:26Thy rowers have brought thee into great waters: the east wind hath broken thee in the midst of the seas.
Eze 31:7Thus was he fair in his greatness, in the length of his branches: for his root was by great waters.
Eze 31:15Thus saith the Lord GOD; In the day when he went down to the grave I caused a mourning: I covered the deep for him, and I restrained the floods thereof, and the great waters were stayed: and I caused Lebanon to mourn for him, and all the trees of the field fainted for him.
Eze 32:13I will destroy also all the beasts thereof from beside the great waters; neither shall the foot of man trouble them any more, nor the hooves of beasts trouble them.
Hab 3:15Thou didst walk through the sea with thine horses, through the heap of great waters.