KJV (12) house and they

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Gen 34:30And Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, Ye have troubled me to make me to stink among the inhabitants of the land, among the Canaanites and the Perizzites: and I being few in number, they shall gather themselves together against me, and slay me; and I shall be destroyed, I and my house.
Gen 43:18And the men were afraid, because they were brought into Joseph's house; and they said, Because of the money that was returned in our sacks at the first time are we brought in; that he may seek occasion against us, and fall upon us, and take us for bondmen, and our asses.
Gen 43:19And they came near to the steward of Joseph's house, and they communed with him at the door of the house,
Jdg 18:26And the children of Dan went their way: and when Micah saw that they were too strong for him, he turned and went back unto his house.
1Sa 9:25And when they were come down from the high place into the city, Samuel communed with Saul upon the top of the house.
1Ki 6:8The door for the middle chamber was in the right side of the house: and they went up with winding stairs into the middle chamber, and out of the middle into the third.
1Ki 6:27And he set the cherubims within the inner house: and they stretched forth the wings of the cherubims, so that the wing of the one touched the one wall, and the wing of the other cherub touched the other wall; and their wings touched one another in the midst of the house.
1Ki 9:8And at this house, which is high, every one that passeth by it shall be astonished, and shall hiss; and they shall say, Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land, and to this house?
1Ki 21:29Seest thou how Ahab humbleth himself before me? because he humbleth himself before me, I will not bring the evil in his days: but in his son's days will I bring the evil upon his house.
Job 42:11Then came there unto him all his brethren, and all his sisters, and all they that had been of his acquaintance before, and did eat bread with him in his house: and they bemoaned him, and comforted him over all the evil that the LORD had brought upon him: every man also gave him a piece of money, and every one an earring of gold.
Isa 22:23And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father's house.
Act 16:31And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.