KJV (5) in fear

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Neh 6:14My God, think thou upon Tobiah and Sanballat according to these their works, and on the prophetess Noadiah, and the rest of the prophets, that would have put me in fear.
Neh 6:19Also they reported his good deeds before me, and uttered my words to him. And Tobiah sent letters to put me in fear.
Psa 9:20Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.
1Co 2:3And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.
1Pe 1:17And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear: