KJV (8) into the ship

Verse ReferenceVerse Text
Mat 14:32And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased.
Mar 4:37And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full.
Mar 5:18And when he was come into the ship, he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him.
Mar 6:45And straightway he constrained his disciples to get into the ship, and to go to the other side before unto Bethsaida, while he sent away the people.
Mar 6:51And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered.
Mar 8:13And he left them, and entering into the ship again departed to the other side.
Luk 8:37Then the whole multitude of the country of the Gadarenes round about besought him to depart from them; for they were taken with great fear: and he went up into the ship, and returned back again.
Joh 6:21Then they willingly received him into the ship: and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went.